Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rhys rolls over and Chase rolls out! (for Rachael)

Last week we took a trip to Virgina Beach to see my mom for her 50th birthday~ Yes that's right...Nani is 5-0!!!!! When we got there on Thursday Rhys was on the bed getting ready for his bath when all of the sudden....bam....he rolls over! Oh my.....my little boy is growing up.....He rolled over 2 times before his bath....Nani was glad to be the first to see it. What a great birthday present!!! The boys also stayed with their 1st non-family (Emily is Family) babysitter! She was amazing! (On a side note...the surprise party was amazing. Mom was so surprised! I'll add pictures later...I left my camera in VA!)

Chase has been riding his bike everyday....(Yes that is EVERY day!) If I want to go anywhere, I have to load the bike in the back of my truck....(yet another reason I NEED that suburban!) and take it with us.....otherwise there is a large amount of arguing, fighting crying and giving in that happens. When ever we get out of the car or come out of the house my bouncing little boys says "Ride bike lil bit?" (which is him asking if he can ride his bike for a little bit not in a little bit.) He has even figured out how to grasp the handle bars tightly and then squeeze his legs around the seat so I can't physically take him off the bike.

Wonder if they will let him have that at school tomorrow!

Speaking of.....Chase is so smart....he can count to seven (shaking his head at the number 5, because he used to skip 3 and 4 and when he would say 5 I would shake my head no.) He is also very good at singing the ABCs all the way to H! Today he surprised me with knowledge of the complete wiggles DVD that we own saying "no Henry" to song #4 which is by no coincidence "Dance with Henry." He also says "No Beach" in reference to the beach song. In case you are curious, he like the Wags the dog song!

Oh and we are on day 2 of letting Rhys cry it out.....(He was awake AT LEAST every hour at my Moms house....and I NEED some sleep.....) He is catching on quick.....he must have been messaging Lorelai on MYSPACE for some sleep secrets!

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